Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blueprint for the Future: Setting a Schedule

Hey everyone, long time, no see.

As most of you have been aware, I have been absent for the past couple of months. This is mostly due to needing to attend to my research, but all the same I have been missing.

The one thing that I have realized in my time off the blog its that the content that I have released, while interesting and varied, is inconsistent in focus, quality, and in release. In order to remedy this, I plan on posting at least once a week starting in mid-May with more honed and polished content. There will be at least one more post prior to the mid-May released date that outlines everything that is in the works.

This delay is with the benefit of you, my readers, so that I can provide better content for you.

Follow me on Twitter @tservitive in order to receive updates and release times.

Until we meet again,

Sunday, February 1, 2015

My Thank You Note to Stefan Molyneux

Good afternoon everyone, this is T.

So, I wanted to share an email that I just sent to Stefan Molenux:

Dear Stefan Molyneux,

I have been listening to your show since July 6th, 2014, when I watched your presentation about Circumcision and Maternal Abuse. At that point, I was a Christian, a Conservative Republican, and I wanted to become President of the United States. Over the next couple of months, I binged listened to your show like a man who spent his whole life in the desert would with water. I first accepted the logic of UPB, then understood the validity of Anarcho-Capitalism over my pro-state views. The toughest thing for me to give up was my faith, at least until I listened to your podcast about the ridiculousness of the Crucifixion story. 

Since listening to your show, I've continued to work on myself through therapy, self realization, and evaluating my close relationships. There is still aspects of my relations that I need to improve upon, especially with regards to my family, whom I rely upon for my college tuition. At least I can say that I will never circumcise, spank, or project any win-lose outcomes to my future children. In addition, I continue to seek virtue in all of my relationships with friends and potential girlfriends.

Today, I have donated $XX, only a part of what I owe you for changing my life for the better. I plan to donate in the future, and hopefully regularly once I'm employed. Until then, I look forward to listening to your shows and sharing both the shows and the virtues you have taught me with my friends. I wish I knew about you in 2007, but I'm glad that you were able to save me and by proxy my best friend here at school. 

Thank you for championing the torch of virtue that continues to save those of us who were trapped in the fog of moral relativism.


P.S. The call in shows are by far my favorite, followed closely by the Truth About series.

I have to say that after donating, I feel more sure about the validity of a stateless society than I did before today. If you listen to him, I encourage that you donate. If you don't listen to him, follow him on the Podcast, YouTube, or on his Home Page.

Until next time,


Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hey Everyone, this is T.

I want to share some links:

First: An homage to Robin from Fire Emblem

That's all for now. Until next time!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Sword Art Online (SOA) Workout

Hey everyone, this is T.

Contrary to popular belief, I am alive and well. I do apologize for my silence, but this is due to some experiments that I am attempting that, should they be successful, will allow me to provide you all with more and hopefully better content.

So, I have to admit that since the Holidays, I've been a little lazy about going to the gym, especially now that I'm working prior to my final semester at school. Since New Years, however, I have been doing some body weight exercises that have been keeping me in pretty good shape.

This is my review of the Sword Art Online (SOA) Workout by Neila Rey.

For more details, I recommend going to the website, but basically it is a workout that focuses on 

"Shoulders, forearms, chest, wrists, biceps, abs, lateral abs, quads, calves, glutes, triceps, lateral abs, core, cardiovascular system." -neilarey.com

This being said, I only felt it in my forearms, biceps, and triceps. I did also perform this exercise with a wooden katana, so my movements were pretty close if not accurate. I'm not sure if a steel katana would improve the workout or not, but go ahead and try if you can do it safely.

I have to say that is was not my favorite of Neila's exercises, some of which I want to post about in the future, but if you are looking for a sword-based workout that focuses on the arms, then this one is for you.

Anyway, that's it for today. I hope you all have a good day.

Follow Neila Ray On Twitter, YouTube, and her site

Follow me on Twitter and Google+

And Follow the Adventures of Nick Stanley Here!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Nick E. Stanley Part 1: The Move

In the not to distant future, in a time and detention much like our own, there lived a boy who loved Pokémon. He descends from a long line of distinguished trainers, from a family that has served both people and Pokémon alike since before the Great Kalos War over 3000 years ago. His family, House Stanley, is one that knows the value of Normal Type Pokémon, the type that most but the newest of trainers tend to shy away from due to the lack of spectacular moves. 

The following is an account of this trainer's journey, a trainer named Nick E. Stanley, the Son of Norman. An entry from his journal.

June 2, 2XXX,

Well, it's official: I'm off to Hoenn. Mom told me last night after she spoke to dad on the phone and I have to say this is going to be cooler than Ice Path.

I'm pretty sure I'll miss my friends and especially my cousin, Whitney, but Hoenn sounds like an awesome place. It's sunny, there are beaches everywhere, and there's even a space station in Mossdeep City. I also heard some weird rumors about the place, like how the sun never set in Hoenn and how they never heard anything about Fairy type Pokémon, but I'm sure thats an exaggeration.

Anyway, I'm just about to get onto the plane. I can't wait to get my first Pokémon!

Smell You Later!