Monday, October 27, 2014

The Feminist Rape Mattress: My Reaction

Good evening everyone, this is T.

Despite the brevity of this post, it is an important post for college men to hear.

While I was attending class this morning, I noticed some new feminist artwork on my school's campus:

These mattresses are just the newest of a recent example of a new trend in feminist protests against men.

Before I go any further, I would like to states that RAPE IS A SERIOUS CRIME THAT MUST COME TO AN END.

This understood, I am tired to feminists trying to paint all men as rapists.  

"Every 1 in 1 college men will rape at least one woman."
- at least one feminist in the next decade.

Here are some of the quote taken from the mattresses:

"Guys only want one thing. You need to stop getting so drunk."

"I just want to be inside you."

"This is your only job."

"You'll never be able to prove it was me."

In the next day or two, I plan to write a more detailed post about this "rape" protest. For now, I want to leave you with this thought:

Feminists claim to want equality of the sexes. Feminists argue that rape is wrong. Yet, when was the last time you have ever heard a feminist group protest against a woman who had sexually assaulted a man?

Were were feminists when my brother, a freshman in high school, was forced down onto a bed, when drunk, by a college freshman girl who proceeded to provided unsolicited oral sex on my brother? If the roles were revered and it was a college freshman male going down on a drunk high school freshman girl, how long would it take until the male was arrested for rape charges against a minor?

These mattress quotes are clearly invented by feminists to stir controversy, but this topic is for a later post. For now, all I ask is that you soak in the pictures, think about my brother's story, and see if you can figure out why male enrollment in college has been declining in rent years.

Until next time.


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