Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Work Out Like a Canadian Soldier: A Workout Review

Good morning everyone, this is T.

A couple of weeks ago, I've had the misfortune of dislocating my arm during a rugby match. For those of you who have never experienced such joy, my arm felt like it was both numb and enflamed as my arm was caught doing the robot. It was only after I had my arm set back on the pitch that I exchanged one pain for another, lesser but more lingering pain. I'm feeling better now, but I still am convinced that lifting weights at the gym may be a bad idea that will leave me in the emergency room again.

The Problem: I still want to maintain my shape or grow more muscle, but the gym is not an option for    me. What to do?

The Answer: Try the 5BX workout routine.

For those of you who are neither members of the Canadian military from around the 1960's or owners of Esquire's "The Biggest Black Book Ever":

"Develop by the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1959. Rumored to be practiced by Prince William and other members of the royal family." -Esquire, p51.

As an Anarcho-Capitalist of American decent, I hope you all excuse me when I say that I do not really care about the British Monarchy. The Sun set on their empire decades ago. Also, they enslaved some of my Irish decedents centuries ago while maintaining a stiff upper lip. This being said, the 5BX seems consistent with other daily non-gym exercises so I figured that I'd give it a go. 

The 5BX is a 5 part exercise:

  1. (30 reps) In standing position, touch your toes and stand back up. Conclude each rep with a back bend. This exercise is more of a pre-workout stretch, but it is a very effective way to loosen up your arms and torso.
  2. (23 reps) Lie on back and sit up in a vertical position. This is similar in theory to a sit up, but you need to make sure that you maintain the vertical position for a second or two before lowering your torso. This exercise is harder to do than crunches, but the difficulty seems to provide better results in the abdominal region.
  3. (33 reps) Place palms under thighs and lie on chest. Then lift head, chest, and legs for each rep. This exercise seems to be a dynamic variant of the Superman exercise, which again focuses on the abdominal group.
  4. (20 reps) Pushups. I typically do more than 20, but 20 is the absolute minimum. 
  5. (500 reps). Run in place where each left step counts as 1 rep. After each set of 75 reps, stop and do 10 jumping jacks.
All 5 exercises must be completed in 11 minutes or less. This routine should be done daily.

For examples of what each exercise looks like, watch the video below. (Skip to 4:48)

I personally do the exercise without the time limit but with more consistent reps.

  1. (30 reps) Same as above.
  2. (30 reps) Increase by 5-10 every day for max 100 reps.
  3. (30 reps) Increase by 5-10 every day for max 100 reps.
  4. (30 reps) Increase by 5-10 every day for max 100 reps. 30 must be accomplished minimum. Can be broken down into sets if need be.
  5. (500 reps) 10 jumping jacks every 50 reps. 
My Thoughts:

It's defiantly a useful morning exercise that can be completed before school or work. That said, it is not a replacement for gym activity if you want to gain muscle. Still better than seeing skinny-fats lifting 5 lbs dumbbells in the gym.

So, this is the Canadian 5BX. Until next time.


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