In the Venture Bros episode "Viva los Muertos!", there is a Scooby Doo parody group that consists of more dark depictions of the Mystery Gang we have grown to love. The character Val, the parody of Velma, is a stanch feminist who delivers a nightmare like speech that had haunted by then high school brain for at least a week. Her speech was a derivative of the SCUM Manifesto, written by Valery Solanas in 1967, the year before she tried to assassinate Andy Warhol. The speech promotes the near extermination of men around the globe where:
"The few remaining men will exist as studs, breeding in the cow pasture, or they can go up to the nearest suicide center where they'll be quietly gassed to death."
While I eventually got over the horror of the quote, I can honestly say that I still associate modern feminism with the SCUM Manifesto. I try not to, but at least I'm honest with my bias.
Now, why am I referring to an episode from a cartoon series that first aired back in 2006?
While I was taking a break from thesis research, I walked into my libraries café where I was confronted with three posters for some on-campus asian feminist group. The first two posters were laughable at best, saying something along the lines of "I'm not your yellow fever," and "I'm not your minority fetish." I know we live in the USSA where the "white patriarchy" with their "evil magic wands" (read: penises) actively "oppress women, minorities, the poor, and unicorns," but really? How can someone be racist when he walks up to a girl and says, "I find so you attractive that I am willing to put my most precious body part inside of you."
Here's a hint: most men won't have sex with someone that they dislike physically. Despite the age of equality, men are still expected to initiate conversations with women that will lead to the possibility of a date or sex. Men are starting at a disadvantage no mater who it is unless we have experience or know for a fact that the girl will say yes. This is why it would be unlikely that a guy, in a sober or unaltered state of mind, would approach a girl to go on a date or have sex whom he did not first find attractive.
Let's add the variable of race and say that the guy has an "asian fetish". So what? Guys are entitled to the physical attributes of women just as women are entitled to the physical attributes of men. UPB. To these asian feminists, is a guy with "yellow fever" more, less, or equally as deplorable as a guy who likes blonde women? How about compared to a guy who likes girls that go to the gym? Human beings have unique personal physical preferences that define their attraction to a partner. Is it "yellow fever" if a white girl wants to have sex with an asian girl? What if it's a white girl and an asian guy?
What makes this so laughable its that what these asian feminists are saying is essentially this:
"We do not want white guys talking to asian women"
Good job asian feminists, you are the racists you claim to hate. If this wasn't the USSA where white is the new Hitler, then your campaign would be the equivalent of a white feminist group campaigning against white women having sex with black men.
While mirth was had with the first two posters, the last poster brought me back to high school.
"Men are SCUM"
Ladies and gentlemen, we live in dangerous times if an idea like SCUM can be promoted openly on a college campus. I do not have an answer as to what should be done. I'm a white male living in the USSA, who is going to take me seriously at a liberal arts university where we had a week long diversity sit in over a racist comment on yik yak. I caution you to be aware of the radicals in our midsts, which is a funny thing to hear coming from an anarcho-capitalist atheist.
Men : Take the red pill
Women: Realize that men are just as human as you
Until next time.
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