Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Tea Break 10/19/14

Good afternoon everyone.

I don't know about you, but it has been a pretty lazy Sunday for me. All I have been doing is cleaning up a party I hosted last night and studying for an exam. As such, I wanted to take a break from studying for my stats exam to write a small post and share a link or two.

1. I've been listening to a song recently titled "Sick Bubblegum." It's a Skrillex remix of a Rob Zombie song by the same name. I also should mention it has a pretty lady in the background.

2. I'm working in my school's library and I keep seeing one of our plastic badges roaming the book shelves. I'm not sure why he's here, but I'm willing to bet $20 that he's not here to read The Iliad by Homer. I will probably rant write a post in the next couple of days about my school, which shall remain anonymous for my own protection. Suffice to say, enough has occurred over this past semester alone to warrant a discussion on monopolies and the totalitarian regimes of private institutions.

3. I'm looking outside the window and I literally see a fuck ton (denoted as f_ton) of Canadian Geese. I know there is a jacket company named after these fuckers, but I cannot see the appeal that would bring these inbread decedents of the dinosaurs flocking to update New York.

I may post later today, but if not enjoy you cloudy, 30 degree Sunday.



I just looked at the blog and realized that a picture is due. This is what a f_ton of geese looks like:

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