Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mattresses Need to Stay at Home

Good evening everyone, this is T.

Earlier today I re-watched the 1979 film The Warriors. It's a good film and I may write a post or two about some of the themes in the film. However, the reason that I'm mentioning The Warriors is that there is a scene in the movie where Swan, the leader of the Warriors, rejects the advances of Mercy, a woman who seems to often ride the cock carousel. Swan explains,

"Why don't you just tie a mattress to your back? You don't care where it is, do you?"

When I heard this, I thought of Emma Sulkowicz and her "senior thesis" where she plans to carry the mattress on which she was "raped". A friend of mine that goes to school in New York City sent me a photo of Emma and several of her friends carrying the senior project with them.

Now, I'm not sure what grinds my gears the most about this senior project:
-The fact that she's receiving help from manginas
-The fact that having people help her carry around the project is the equivalent of having other  students help you complete your school assignment, which would be academic dishonesty in any other situation
-The fact that this movement has caught on in other universities around the nation.

Whatever it is, I have a message for Emma from 1979:

Why don't you just tie the mattress to your back? You don't care where it is, do you?

Until next time.


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