Monday, November 10, 2014

My Stance

Good afternoon everyone, T here with a post of mediocre proportions.

So the other day, I listened to the second Joe Rogan podcast where Stefan Molyneux was the guest. For the majority of the podcast, Joe brought up a couple of criticisms of Stef that have been brought up by Stef's critics, including claims of being a cult leader, that his views are created in an echo chamber, and that Stef "encourages" people to abandon their families. As someone who listens to Stef's podcast nearly once a day, the criticisms that Joe brought up seamed ridiculous. It was as if the Stef Joe was describing was some Shadow Stef created after Stef removed the Master Sword from the Temple of Time in Hyrule Warriors.

After I spent a couple of days thinking about this discrepancy, I came to realize that most thinkers and individuals who go against the cultural norms of society are often characterized as "corruptors of the youth" much like Socrates who was sentenced to death over two millennia ago. No matter who it is, modern thinkers like Stefan Molyneux, Adam Carolla, and Allan Roger Currie to name just a few are often misquoted or given a label by external groups who are unable to define their unique views of the world. This was probably true of people that we revere now, such as Socrates, Aristotle, Nicola Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, and Ayn Rand. It is a shame that greatness in the presence and a legacy in history rarely go hand in hand except in the remembrance of tyrants.

Now, the reason why I bring up these people in not because I wish to compare myself to these individuals. I'm only in my early 20's with barely any accomplishments of my own let alone any that can hold a candle to their bonfires. However, I bring up these individuals because I too hold controversial beliefs that go against those held by the majority of people that I have encountered. As such, I figured that the best way to convey my beliefs is to created a page that states them in a simple and straight forward way. The link is here when I complete the first version of the page.

Now, this page will be changing and hopefully evolving as I acquire new information and expose myself to varying arguments that contrast my beliefs. Meanwhile, my individual posts will be written with the idea that viewers have either viewed my philosophy page or will check it out if my post brings confusion. I also acknowledge that there may be people who either do not care to view my page, whether out of laziness, anger, or some other resin that I cannot comprehend at this moment.

So, hopefully you all get the gist. If not, you know where to find me. Until next time.


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